Rainy Days

Having been sick a couple of days now, I started to feel better, while drinking coffee this morning and streaming more Final Fantasy XV to my Vita (Thank god for 90 Mbps download). Still a great game, yet I'm starting to see the issues with the open world structure.
It encourages me to go so far off the right path, that I've become godlike, completely unhinged, powerful as a motherfucker. The story doesn't reflect this in any way, though, making me think how the open world structure works better for a game like GTA, where you do not become a reality distorting J-Pop Battle Wizard.
When I went to bed sick, there was snow outside my window. This morning, I could smell the springtime. I think I'm gonna be very nostalgic towards this game if I end up connecting that scent with aimlessly slaughering wildllife in the Duscae area.