Sudden 1-hour Game Jam

Haruki Murakami has mentioned how he wrote his first couple of novels at the kitchen counter at night after closing shop at the jazz club.
There isn't really any good reason not to try and make hendes under the same circumstances, perhaps achieving the same sort of unpolished creativity.
I had a sudden urge to make a game about a wizard who stays at a hotel in the mountains in Japan. Simple graphics like in a Terry Cavanagh game, and obtuse controls like using the VIM text editor. I was gonna use Love2D and Lua, since they’re simple, but the syntax was so foreign to me that it actually took far more time than I wanted. Using a tutorial, I got the map drawn, and I painted some graphics in Photoshop, so I have more to use for a later version.
Still, it’s wonderful to think we’ve come so far in programming accessibility, that I can go from vague idea to vague demo in a few hours.
I’m probably gonna give this idea a few more evenings every once in a while, now that I’ve got it started.